Our Eye Primer is Back!

Our Eye Primer is Back!

Our Eye Primer provides a base layer for your eyeshadow and eyeliner to stick to. It keeps your makeup smooth, smudge-free and vibrant until you’re...

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Earth Reads
Meet the Team

Earth Reads

This Earth Month, we’re taking a look at a few books and poems that inspire us to go outside and appreciate the world at our fingertips. These six ...

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Earth Day

Earth Day

On the 48th anniversary of Earth Day, we're sharing what we're doing to care for the earth, and how you can be involved...

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Spring Playlist
Meet the Team

Spring Playlist

We are sending you into spring with a playlist that has something for everyone. It starts slow and sweet, builds up in the middle, and ends on a no...

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Spring Floral Shades

Spring Floral Shades

Spring has officially sprung, though we write this on a rainy, 46-degree day. We hope you are somewhere sunny and in bloom! Spring flowers will eve...

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Our Favorite Spring Looks

Our Favorite Spring Looks

With days so languid, natural light so abundant, and a sense of newness in the air, spring is the time to experiment with fresh, new makeup looks...

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